Earth to Microsoft - it's 2010

I’m not one to really do the pros and cons on Windows (7) and Mac OSX. In fact, I think that on most accounts the two operating systems are essentially the same. They both have icons, usually at the bottom of the desktop, that a person clicks on to open a program. The programs are often identical in both OS. To install a program, you download it and then click on it. To print, you hit the print button. They both use a two-button mouse. etc. The whole apple user experience thing is completely overblown and not really rooted in any kind of reality.

Having said that, I have a question for Microsoft. It’s 2010, what up with all the reboots? I was using the computer the other day when I was notified that an update was installed and that I should reboot my computer. Windows users get these messages weekly. This time I just leaned back in my chair and stared at the screen. Really, a reboot? Wasn’t MS supposed to have re-written Windows, couldn’t they work things out so that our PCs don’t need constant reboots? After all, we all know how long it takes for Windows to boot (2 or 3 times longer than a mac) and it gets really annoying.

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