Global Warming Shock!

I’ve recently become aware of a strong movement that is pushing the idea that global warming (anthropogenic global warming, or AWG) is not happening. I was quite surprised to learn about this, and so I delved a little into the “debate.” What I found is that there really isn’t much “debate” at all. Basically there is agreement amongst climate scientists that AWG is real and there are numerous studies, models and data to support their position. On the other side there is a movement which picks selective data and untested theories and wraps it all up into something that looks scientific. This information is then disseminated via various vehicles, and an anti-AWG sentiment has arisen.

I think the anti-AWG brigade is actually quite small. Certainly the vast majority of the scientific community (climate scientists and others) are behind AWG. I also think the vast majority of people believe this to be the case. Polls have shown this. But as with most bullies, the anti-AWG brigade might be the minority but they can be loud.

One thing that that is outrageously comical about this is the assertion that climate scientists are conspiring to fraudulently float the AWG theories because they make money off of it. I suspect that the AWG deniers make larger salaries than the climate scientists. When speaking of coordinated efforts, it is very easy to find lobby groups that work hard to deny AWG. What makes this even more hilarious is that some of the leading voices of the anti-AWG movement, along with some of the big lobby groups, are also tobacco lobbyists! And who supports these people and groups with contracts and grants? None other than companies such as Exxon. For some examples, check out the Advancement of Sound Science Center and Fred Singer.

Yeah, I’m going to be persuaded by a lobby group backed by Exxon and led by people that also lobbied for tobacco (“there’s no evidence that second hand smoke is a health risk”)…

These anti-AWG people disseminate their information through vehicles such as the Oregon petition, Leipzig Declaration and reports from organizations such as NIPCC. As an example, NIPCC recently released a report titled “Nature, Not Human Activity Rules the Climate,” and this report has been described as “fabricated nonsense” by NASA, and leading universities such as Princeton.

The Oregon Petition is another great example of how misinformation is spread. The Oregon petition was circulated in the 1990s along with a “research review”. The idea was that a person would read this review, form an opinion that global warming is a fraud and sign the petition. I believe it was Frederick Seitz that sent out the review and the petition. The review is not a typical scientific document, in that it is biased and only gives mention on reasons not to believe global warming. Sietz made the review appear as though it was endorsed by the National Academy of Science. NAS issued a response which included the statement “The NAS Council would like to make it clear that this petition has nothing to do with the National Academy of Sciences and that the manuscript was not published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences or in any other peer-reviewed journal.” Here is a link to an article that discusses the Oregon petition, and here is another. I bet there are tons out there.

So while “environmentalists” are being painted as gullible, greedy people, let’s make sure we present some relative context for where the anti-AWG people are coming from.