Google Chrome - my experience with the beta

The new web browser called Chrome came out from Google yesterday (beta version) and I’ve had a chance to use it a little bit. Some people don’t think it’s all that good just yet, like this guy.

I was wondering what other people thought of Chrome and came across an article where a person tested and compared firefox, ie7, opera and safari. I then did some of these tests myself, comparing firefox to ie7 to ie8 to safari and to chrome. Although I’ve read that ie8 is Acid3 compliant, it failed miserably when I did it. ie7 was by far the worst. Safari had the best memory and java score on my PC, but higher cpu. Firefox was pretty good all around. Chrome had the best acid3 test but it had super high memory use. Considering that Firefox has useful add-ons that I really do use (ftp, tinyurl, web developer tools and few others), ff3 is by far the best browser for moi.

I still cannot believe how terrible ie7 and ie8 are at html. It is simply unbelievable. The “random photo of the day” icon to the left works on every browser I’ve tried except for ie7 and ie8.