The Big Event

If you were asked what the most significant Global event of the last 10 to 11 years was, what would you say? Probably a lot of people would say the financial sub-prime crisis - the fallout from that event is far from over. Another common answer could be 9/11. It’s pretty hard to argue against that one, as it set the foundations of global foreign policies, collaboration and communication (or lack thereof) since the attack.

I think another valid answer, and one that most people won’t think of, is when Al Gore had the Presidency stolen from him from in Florida. Even if Gore was President, 911 would probably still have happened. As well, the US probably would have still invaded Afghanistan. However, the war in Iraq and its isolationist effects would never have occurred. The political fallout from Iraq has been huge, causing some severe clashes in government policies and the breaking of international treaties. Perhaps even more important, if Gore was in office, the international action on climate change issues would have been drastically different. These are all massive effects caused by the injustice of corrupt voting in Florida. Florida 2000: the lost opportunity…

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