Two memories from the 2004 election

Two things really stuck with me from the 2004 election campaign, and I still think about them today. The first thing I always remember is how Paul Martin emphasized that “free votes” do not protect minority rights. Harper still doesn’t seem to get this. I don’t understand why the Conservatives are still clinging to the idea of having a free vote on the definition of marriage. If one accepts that gay marriage is an issue about minorities, then where is the democracy and human rights in having a free vote where the majority rules. At the very least, why don’t the Conservatives drop this issue and admit that has no place in Canada?

The second thing I remember from the 2004 campaign is when the leaders each attended a question and answer session on CBC. The sessions took place at various locations across Canada, and a small audience was able to ask specific questions to the leaders. For the most part, the answers were of the typical political vagueness. You know exactly what I mean… the politician instantly turns the question into something else that they would rather discuss. The leaders didn’t always get away with it though because the person who asked the question was alwasy asked if they were satisified with the answer. Anyways, I distinctly remember Martin moving away from “pat answers” and easily moving into financial specifics and detailed off-the-cuff answers. In this respect, Martin showed me that he has a more comprehensive understanding of how to run a country. I have no doubt that all the leaders are highly intelligent, but I think Martin showed a more usefull form of intelligence: know how vs. political wile. Lord knows Martin is a few bricks short of a full load when it comes to political wile…