wacky weatheritis

I don’t know about you, but we’re suffering from a bad case of wacky weatheritis here in Vancouver this year. We’ve had snow, what, four times this winter. After each snowfall the snow stuck around for many days which made it quite difficult for me to drive my scooter to work, and resulted in causing people to make strange faces. 1284

In between snow storms, in December we had the heaviest rains I’ve ever experienced outside of a monsoon. Too be honest, the rain even challenges the monsoon I experienced on my trip to India. Anjuna, Goa at dusk

And and let’s not forget the crazy wind storms. Twice our power was knocked at home, and I saw trees move that frankly they just shouldn’t have.

I think the most ironic event was when a local NDP function that was to address global climate change had to be cancelled due to weather and storms.