What, me worry?

I’ve been trying to think about how I would write this entry for a few weeks now. I’ve since come to the realization that I’m not a writer, and the very fact that you are reading this means that you have also come to terms with my blabbering. So here it goes.

I heard an interview on CBC with David Suzuki, and one thing that really stuck with me was when he described how he opens some of his recent lectures/speaches. I can’t remember exactly what he said, but basically it was “What kind of planet are we leaving for my grandchildren?”. No kidding eh.

I am constantly amazed at the decisions people make in their every day lives when you consider that the majority of these people have children and/or grandchildren. Sure, maybe a 60 year old dude has it made in the shade. Maybe he’s got a good stash of cash, a cushy job or perhaps retired, a nice family, nice home, and isn’t too worried about the collapse of ocean fish stocks before he dies. Sounds grand, doesn’t it? But what about his kids and grandkids? Shouldn’t this guy be shitting his pants, wondering what kind of world his family will have to face? Okay, maybe shitting his pants is a bit extreme. How about “shouldn’t he make small changes in his everyday life, doing his best to minimize the negative impact his lifestyle choices may have on sustainable living?”.

This especially applies to political and industrial leaders, who perhaps have more power in making meaningful changes. It’s easy to understand the pressures (political, economical, monetary, popularity) that leaders face, and that’s why I think if people concentrated on their children’s future, the world would have improved sustainability.

Without getting too doomsday on you, here are some possible things that could occur in the coming years. Global warming (scientifically accepted as already occuring) could cause climate shifts such that crop failures take place. Ocean currents and salinity levels change because of the melting polar ice, which can cause dramatic weather changes along with its associated devastating effects. Overfishing may push fish stocks past sustainable levels so that fisheries collapse. Continuing dependance on oil drives the economy to the point that when oil reserves fail, the world is thrust into a fair amount of chaos. The list goes on and on…

I figure I’m already an extremely lucky person. I’ve lived 36 years with a lot of joy. 1/2 of this time was spent with my immediate family, and this time would be hard to beat by any other family. I now have a loving and caring partner who has given me the two greatest gifts imaginable. I can’t explain just how much I love my iPod and docking station. ha ha. I could die today and be a happy guy (I think… I’m not entirely too sure as to what happens when one up and dies). But here’s the rub: what will happen to my kids over the next 30 years and more? This questions truly haunts me. I know that all parents worry about their kids, but this is different. I do the normal “worry” stuff too, but this other stuff is over and above it all.

Basically I approach this dilemna two different ways. First, I truly try to give my kids as much love and joy as I can. Secondly, I try to do little things in my every day life to minimize my impact on the environment. This includes things like increasing the heating efficiency of our home, riding a bike to work, buying a scooter to use for commuting, not taking bags when I buy something at the store, only flushing the toilet once a week, etc. Just kidding, I flush at least twice a week.